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What is CranioSacral Therapy (CST)?

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle therapeutic modality that works with the body’s innate wisdom and ability for healing. It is defined as a light-touch complementary method of bodywork, and was first developed by Dr. John Upledger, DO, OMM, who spent years researching its clinical effects at Michigan State University.
CranioSacral Therapy is derived from osteopathic medical traditions, and is increasingly used as a preventive form of self-care, as well as a treatment support for a wide range of chronic and acute health issues, including headaches, migraines, neck pain, concussions, brain injuries, chronic fatigue, digestive issues, emotional imbalances, autoimmune conditions, TMJ or Dental and Orthodontic issues, depression, anxiety, PTSD and more.
CranioSacral Therapy is a modality that comfortably compliments conventional as well as traditional methods of treatment or healing. 

What does CranioSacral Therapy Do?

​After 12 years of being a Practitioner, and 21 years of receiving CST, here is my short answer to this question:  “CranioSacral Therapy facilitates the healing process of the whole body and the whole person, in a soothing, safe, gentle yet powerful manner, that often surprises us”. 
Like many modalities and resources, CST will offer you what you are ready to receive and achieve. So everyone goes at their own pace. 
The goal of CranioSacral Therapy is to help reduce or eliminate strain patterns, stress or restrictions of the body, and to improve the functioning of the central nervous system. 
By releasing strain patterns and tensions, the body can begin to re-organize itself, and return to  a state of “balance” and improved function. 

What is the "CranioSacral System"?

The CranioSacral System is essentially comprised of cranial bones, vertebrae, membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord, and the CerebroSpinal Fluid (CSF). CSF is the liquid that is produced in, flows around, and surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord.

Any minor or major change to this system, at any time of our life, can lead to a change in the bones, membranes and the flow of the CSF, potentially leading to an “imbalance”  or “dis-ease” which may then present itself as symptoms, either immediately or later on in life. Example would be falling off my bike when I was young. I didn’t think much of it, but it could affect me later on as an adult.

Whether theses changes are from a physical, emotional, mental or chemical nature, they can lead to physiological changes in us, and can affect our quality of wellness, and our daily life. Examples would be anything that can be considered a “toxin”, such as emotional stress, chemicals in the water, sleepless nights in college, or even a
dental appointment.

By working with the natural and unique rhythms of different body systems, CranioSacral Therapy can pinpoint and address potential root causes of health concerns. CST helps to alleviate pain and stress, and can improve your capacity for self-care and stress management to produce profound, positive changes.

The goal of CranioSacral Therapy is to help reduce or eliminate strain patterns, stress or restrictions of the body, and to improve the functioning of the central nervous system.

By releasing strain patterns and tensions, the body can begin to re-organize itself, and return to  a state of “balance”. 

Who is CST for?

With very few exceptions, it is for everyone,
at every age.

It is especially for those who are very sensitive or uncomfortable with pressure or manipulation of muscle, fascia, bones, or their body in general. Example is someone who has experienced TBI,
has inflammation, or has had a series of dental procedures, who is very sensitive and can only receive very gentle touch. As someone who found myself with severe inflammation following a back injury, I can attest to how the gentleness of CST techniques helped me back to health.

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Which Conditions can benefit from CST?

This is the way I think of it:  If we consider the CranioSacral Rhythm of our body as the foundational rhythm in the body, then supporting it to work at its best (which is what CranioSacral Therapy does), can help all the other systems in the body:  Digestive, Immune, Circulatory, Nervous, Respiratory systems. So any issue that
is related to any of our physiological systems, can essentially benefit and improve (keeping in mind, that the body has an innate ability to release what
it does not serve it, and receive what it needs 
to heal).

What CST does, is facilitate the person’s own propensity for healing. So the process does take time and sometimes, it may take additional modalities, medicines or resources to achieve your desired wellness goals.

There are many case studies, articles and videos that pertain to the benefit of CST and different health conditions.

This is a list of health conditions that CST has been shown to help

Is it like massage therapy?
What's the difference?

I often get asked this question. CST is not massage therapy. The only similarity is that you will relax on a padded table. With CST, you will be fully clothed for the entire session, and often relax on your back or side.

CST is famous for its gentleness and light touch, as it does not involve any pressure, or adjustment of the bones. Rather, it supports the inner healing mechanism of the body, by paying attention to the “Cranio-Sacral Rhythm”.

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Does CST involve any pressure or adjustment?

CST techniques use soft, gentle touch, starting at 5 grams (the weight of a nickel), to support the body to release stresses, strains, and restrictions from the tissues. The client is relaxed on a padded table, fully clothed.

The end result is improvement in the functioning of the central nervous system (CNS), which in turn allows the balance and comfort of the Autonomic Nervous system (ANS) to follow. Our ANS is responsible for our sympathetic (fight or flight) and our parasympathetic (rest and digest) functions. This is how CranioSacral Therapy results in better mood, more energy, feeling more relaxation, improved function of various body systems, and generally improved overall health.

In essence, CST nourishes the central nervous system to improve overall health and well-being.

By allowing the release of tensions deep in the body, pain and dysfunction can be relieved, leading to improvements in whole-body health and performance.

How long is a CST Appointment/Session?

Most CST sessions for a returning client, are
about an hour long.  Shorter (45 minutes) or longer sessions (3 hours), are also common, depending
on the client.

As a new client, The initial session is usually longer, about 90-120 minutes, as it includes a Health History Review and discussion of client’s goals, and experiences with other treatment modalities, surgeries, etc. The confidential intake / health review is very important in the process
of CranioSacral Therapy, as it allows the practitioner to become familiar with their new client, and take measures to provide the best techniques and post-session recommendations for optimal results.
Every practitioner has a different approach to
the first appointment.

Mine is thorough as I combine all my skills and experiences as a clinician, coach, consultant
and craniosacral therapist. The Health History Review can be done on the phone or video call,
as you prefer.

When you see me for the first time, we will do a Health Review & goal assessment. Whether you choose to experience one session or several, the initial  “get to know you” part is the same. It  also helps you to get to know me and build a rapport,
and answer your questions about
CranioSacral Therapy. 

What to Expect After a CST Appointment

It depends on the individual, and on their current state of wellness. Often, people find the experience positive, sometimes energizing, sometimes relaxing, or leading to improved sleep. Sometimes there is a “release”  as the body self-corrects and re-balances itself. Based on your session, you may be given some lifestyle or nutrition recommendations to compliment your experience. 

How can I find out if CST is right for me?

Schedule a complimentary consult to find out! It is a short Discovery Call so I can answer your questions and find our how to best support you. 

Fun Facts About CranioSacral Therapy:

It is a supportive modality that compliments many other modalities. My favourite pairing is of course, Yoga :)

Did you know:
CST is practiced by licensed health professionals
in the US and Canada, and is available in many countries around the world, and is recommended
by the Mayo Clinic and the Cleaveland Clinic?

Did you know:
When going through orthodontic work, braces or appliances, or any dental procedure, CST is a wonderful compliment before or after each Ortho visit  (at any age, even if you had orthodontic treatment years ago).

A Brief Note About SER:

SER (which stands for: SomatoEmotional Release) is an advanced technique of CranioSacral Therapy. It offers a way to better understand the needs of the body, using a combination of dialogue and bodywork. It is possible for someone to be ready to release tensions or stresses from the tissues through this technique, even in their very first session.

It is important to note, that with all CST sessions, You are in control.

Any technique, including SER, is never imposed on the client. It all depends on the person, their level of comfort, their level of rapport with the practitioner, and where they are in their personal journey towards wellness. Which makes it invaluable for the client and the practitioner to stay in communication with each other during their sessions.

The ultimate goal is a sense of wellbeing after the sessions and a positive, experience of feeling supported.

A Note of Common-Sense Caution:

There are very few, special circumstances where CranioSacral Therapy may be contra-indicated. As with any service or modality that works and affects the health of a person, it is important that you consult with your treating physicians, and your CST practitioner, prior to any extensive sessions. This is also why the initial health history review is so important before any craniosacral therapy visit.

Another common-sense caution is expectations. If a condition or health issue (for example insomnia) has existed for many years, to expect one single short visit of CST to completely resolve the issue would put undue pressure on your self and the therapist.

CST Compliments the body’s own natural healing processes so beautifully. Results depend on the individual; some benefit from a series of a few sessions, while others choose this modality as a way to maintain and tweak their wellness over a lifetime (I am in the latter group :) 

“CranioSacral Therapy has been a favorite modality that I find safe, gentle and beneficial as a
stand-alone modality, and also as a compliment to other practices, especially yoga.”

“Personally, I have benefited from CST and SER since 2001, when an iatrogenic nerve injury had left me disabled from work and unable to walk properly or enjoy a quality life. I am a living testimonial to the power of this modality, and I am able to continue to practice yoga, dance, and have an active lifestyle. And my immune system is healthier now than it ever was in my younger years.”

Dr Catherine (Cathy) is a CST practitioner with clinical experience in holistic & biologic
dentistry and health consulting, and a background in human physiology and nutrition. 

Disclaimer: As with any service or modality that supports health and wellness, it is important that you consult with your treating physicians, and your complimentary coach/practitioner, prior to any extensive sessions. These services are for support and lifestyle improvement and education, and do not claim to prevent, cure, or treat any condition, and do not constitute or replace medical diagnosis.  

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