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Through all the supportive modalities I offer,

my ultimate goal is to get you to yours: living and feeling well.

I have experienced first-hand all of the services that I now offer. I have been the “patient”, and because I saw such wonderful results, I was inspired to became the practitioner.


So I have been there... I know the frustrations of a well-equipped dental office that isn’t producing the desired results, and I have felt the pain of a seemingly healthy body that was not performing at its optimum. In offering supportive therapies, combined with coaching and consulting services, my wish is not only to Inspire you to Know, but also to Empower you to Trust, that healing, at any age, at any level, any where, IS possible.


It is a beautiful thing when you arrive at that knowing.

That is where you take your first step.

Reach out for a strategy session today.

Scroll or click below to book a strategy session today

or to learn more about the services I offer



"One conversation with Dr. Catherine is all you will need to be amazed by the passion, integrity and depth of knowledge that she has to offer. She has a genuine desire to show people better ways to improve overall wellness - physical, emotional, mental... all of it!​​"

Charles Kapur

President and CEO at Greater Reston Chamber of Commerce

One-on-One Services

Resources are everywhere, but finding them and putting them 
into balance is the trick to enjoying their success.

Here are the services that I provide which can support you to feel
empowered to live your best, most imperfectly perfect life!

Live Healthy, Feel Happy

Ocean Rocks
Holistic Health Consulting

Join me for a general Health History Consultation and Assessment visit, which may be focused on Nutrition, Lifestyle, Environmental concerns. It is intended to provide a more thorough picture of your health, and a discussion of your goals, so that we may recommend the best program or service for your benefit. You will receive tips and nuggets that will send you off with positive action items to incorporate right after your consultation visit.

Nutrition Coaching

A full hour of detailed Health and Nutrition History Review, Goal setting & Personalized Recommendations for the serious health-seeking individual who is ready to receive expert guidance in making positive improvements to support & reach their wellness goals.

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Bio-energetic Screening

Through ZYTO Bio Surveys and ZYTO EVOX, we can further help you make better choices for your wellbeing. Reports from your ZYTO scan provide you with information that may help you make individual wellness choices. Identifying Virtual Items to which you have an unusual response may give you and your wellness professional insight to keep you functioning at an optimal state.

CST (CrainoSacral Therapy) & SER

CranioSacral Therapy addresses the person as a whole: your previous health adventures, current life, nutrition, experiences, activities, all come into play. CranioSacral Therapy (CST), as a light touch therapy based on a strong understanding of the body’s anatomy, physiology and energetic “pulse”, is her favourite supportive modality, as she has been a patient of CST and seen wonderful results. 


One-to-One Services

Perception Empowerment Coaching

Whether you've experienced something you know you want to release, something is somehow holding you back from living & doing your best, a fear, memory, or event that you want to truly leave behind, your voice holds the key to releasing and balancing it. Using an amazing & simple technology, coupled with health coaching, this session is designed to provide a unique & personalised experience of feeling supported and empowered!

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